

[KDDL3]Rainbow Round Vehicle Activation journey


All right… Let’s relax our body. Relax our breathing. Slow the breathing rate by about half.. Bring your attention to your Eff-i-mah heart sphere about the size of melon. And now remember the little rainbow crystal at its center. Just breathe and be aware of that feeling of your Eff-i-mah...

Elemental Clearing journey(3)(4)(5)


KDDL 3: Technique 3 Elemental Clearing Journey Guaridian Materials.     Water Command   And again, this will emanate a gentle blue light coming out of that doorway. Feel yourself standing in TrhU’-ah body in front of the blue light doorway. Feel your crystals ..your green emerald crystals..the crystal...

Elemental Clearing journey(1)(2)


*Technique by E’Asha A. Arhayas from KDDL3, 2015. Sep. Guardian Materials. *Transcribed by Ari Rishi    Alright. So I’m gonna tune in to the Guardians for a minute and see how they want to begin the projection. And while I’m doing that, just breathe gently and then slow your breathing  by...

[KDDL3] Cracking the shell of contention


*KDDL3  Technique by E’Asha A. Arhayas, Guardian Materials. *Transcribed by Ari Rishi STEP 1 OK, now that you have..your plasma body has returned, descended from the EFFI Homestar center point down through the pale white vortex from technique 1. And as you returned into your physical body, sense the...

[KDDL3] EFFI Homestar


*Technique: KDDL3, 2015. Sept. 26 by E’Asha A. Arhayas. Guardian Materials [KDDL3 online workshop is ongoing] Transcribed by Ari Rishi  And again as with most of the techniques, you can get yourself in a comfortable private place, safe, comfortable where you won’t be disturbed. If you can, um.. lower...

The Journey to the Eff-i-yah State


“The Journey to the Eff-i-yah State, TrhU You & The Silent Symphony”- Triptec Power-Phase Deep Journey Compound Technique-1 KDDL-2+ ShiftMasters – 2 intro Transmitted from the Eff-i-yah A-rhA’-yah Al-Hum-Bhra Councils – 4/16/2015 – 5/12/2015; Translated by AMCC-MCEO-GA Speaker-1 E’Asha Ashayana Arhayas Free Technique:  한글번역 및 영상자막 바로가기-트루아스쿨    PART-1: The...

Journey to ARhAyas Island


The AMCC-MCEO 1/3/2013 Live Journey on UStream Presented by AMCC-MCEO Speaker-1 E’Asha Ashayana Journey to ARhAyas Island AMCC-MCEO 2013년 1월 3일 UStream 라이브 여정 AMCC-MCEO Speaker-1 이에샤 아샤야나 제공 아뤠야스 아일랜드로의 여정   Free Technique:  한글번역 및 영상자막 바로가기-트루아스쿨  Good evening everyone and welcome to our first broadcast of...

Journey to the ARI-ARhAyas AL-Uma-UN Core of the Krystar Seed Atom


Journey to the ARI-ARhAyas AL-Uma-UN Core of the Krystar Seed Atom 크라이스타 씨드 아톰의 아리-아뤠야스 알-우마-운 코어로의 여정 The AMCC AL-Hum-Bhra Magistracy Councils of Cosminyahas™ and  ARhAyas Productions AMCC, LLC The Tan-Tri-Ahu-ra Teachings-The Path of Bio-Spiritual Artistry™ AMCC™ Kryst-Ascension Fail-Safe Conference-1: Sarasota, FL, August 17-20, 2012 Transcript by: Dimitris. Proofread...

크리스탈 리버 기도문(KRP)


The E-LAi-sa AL-Hum-Bhra-Aquareion Krystal River Prayer and Invocation, of the E-LAi-sa Silver Seed Councils and the GA-AMCC-MCEO, for Silver Seed Krystal River Plasma Host and Amplification. 일레이사 알흠브라 아쿠아레이온 크리스탈 리버 기도와 청원: 일레이사 실버씨드 위원회와 가디언연맹(GA)-알흠브라 위원회(AMCC)-멜기세덱 클로이스터 에메랄드 오더(MCEO)에게 실버씨드 크리스탈 리버 플라즈마 호스트와 프리퀀씨 증폭을 청원합니다.