인간의 다차원 자아 정체성(Multidimensional Self Identities)
Image Credit: Mae Ricci Personal Spiritual evolution is the process of progressively expanding the personality to embody the higher stations of Identity and the morphogenetic Crystal Body. Through this process At-one-ment with our spiritual identity & God Consciousness is achieved. Integration of the higher identity progressively changes the nature of the biological form, so biological & spiritual evolution are one. Originally identity integration took place through one incarnational lifetime. Due to morphogenetic field distortions, the process now takes place through successive reincarnations. Reincarnation was not the natural evolutionary process of the original human lineage, but it has been operational for over 5 million years. Through Keylontic Morphogenetic Science and the Silicate Matrix Crystal Gene, we can reclaim our eternal bodies and re-enter our natural state of evolution. 개인의 영적 진화는 상위(고차원)에 위치해 있는 자신의 정체성(아이덴티티)과 형태발생 크리스탈 바디를 구현하기 위해 개인 인격(personality)을 점진적으로 확장시키는 과정이다. 이 과정을 통해 우리 영적 정체성과 신